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An LNER poster advertising a special train for Seamer Auction Mart commencing on 18th February 1929.

Livestock for Seamer Auction Mart

Seamer Auction Mart was located where Morrisons Supermarket now stands, just south of the railway station. It traded livestock well after the Forge Valley Line closed until the late 1980's and would see butchers from Scarborough buying for the hotels in the town.

This LNER poster advertises an experimental special working commencing on 18th February 1929 to run every other Monday between Malton and Seamer via Gilling and Pickering, calling at all stations for the benefit of livestock owners to attend.

There would have been two reversals, presumably meaning the locomotive operated tender or bunker first between Gilling and Pickering. The final line reads "A passenger coach will be attached to the train to convey passengers accompanying the stock." It would be assumed the same train retraced its steps in the afternoon, returning the livestock owners to their villages.

One wonders if this service was a success and for how long it continued to operate. It was certainly a drawn out journey for those boarding at the stations before Gilling.

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